The Love

  • Sometimes Silence Says Everything

    You know the friendship runs deep when you don’t always need to say a thing; sometimes, the silence speaks for you. I like to think that t...
  • Your College Friends Never Truly Leave You

    Even many, MANY years later, our college friendships remain strong— even if we do not see each other as often as we would like. There’s something ...
  • You Set Down the Markers for Your Life

    Mostly when someone talks down to you, they are hiding their own inadequacies. Turning externally and talking badly to someone else, is a very common defense mechanism. So the first rule of thumb for an inspired life is to never let anyone else’s words take control over you. You set down the markers for your life. You decide what you are okay with and what you are not okay with. If someone doesn’t have something encouraging or positive to say to you, the question that begs is if they should be in your life in the first place? It’s great to bounce ideas off with people & seek advice but filtering out what doesn’t serve us, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
  • Channel Your Energy Toward Your Future

    Our life today is a net result of the decisions we have taken so far. We cannot turn the clock back and change our past. Emotional baggage and memories that don’t serve us in any way, continue to linger in our lives and have an impact on the decisions we make even today. The only way to break away from that is to acknowledge them and then turn our focus on what the future can become. There are innumerable inspiring stories around us, where people took chances & leaps of faith in the hope for a better future & succeeded. Channelling all of our energy and focusing on what the future can bring our way is the only genuine force with the potential to change our life. Are you willing to give it a hard go?
  • Never Let Anyone Stand In Your Way

    All great achievers that we know of and the ones that we may not know of have gone all out to create a life they love. My guess is that their path was not laid out with a soft carpet waiting for them. Obstacles and roadblocks are part of life. None of us have a blueprint for this thing called life. But some people plough through regardless of the naysayers and obstacles. That’s what differentiates achievers from the rest.
  • Growing Separately Without Growing Apart

    True friends know that they each have their own individual ambitions, goals, and wants in life. Even if your goals don't align directly with the goals of your true friends, it shouldn't matter. True friends don't hold one another back. They push each other forward in all endeavors.
  • Never Forgetting What Our Friends Do

    You have to be there for your friends, just as they were there for you. That is what being a friend is all about! Friends are counting on you for support and love, especially in their hardest times. Never forget what your friends have done for you. Be a friend back!
  • Friendships Should Last Lifetimes

    Friendships should last lifetimes. If this isn't the case, then there was not enough work put into the friendship for it to last. That doesn't mean it was your fault. It means that maybe the friendship wasn't meant to be. Maybe the friendship never truly started. This is not to be critical. Friends are always supposed to be there. Sure, we can disagree, or have differing opinions, but when a friendship is true, it's strength can weather any storm!
  • Friends in Heart Will Never Part

    You don't have to live five minutes away to be friends. People have friends across states, and countries. Distance should never be an issue for true friends. Being there for your friend does not always have to mean "physically" being there. Friendship is built on love, and love knows no bounds.
  • Time Apart Can't Break Up True Friends

    Friends just...get it. We know there are times that we can't be there physically for each other. As true friends we know that a couple of days (or even weeks) without talking won't break us. If you are truly friends, you don't have to say a thing! True friends could be apart for a year and the minute they reunite, they can pick up right where they left off without missing a single beat. That's true friendship!
  • Friendship Holds the World Together

    Could you imagine a world without friends? Imagine the negativity. People only fighting for themselves. No one to turn to. No one to help you. What a terrible world that would be. Be grateful for your friends. Be thankful to have someone who cares for you, listens to you, and loves you!
  • Friendship is Like Medicine

    Friendship is the best therapy. How many times have you felt down and the first thing you do is text or call your best friends? How many times have you been so excited about something that you can't wait to tell your best friend? They say laughter is the best medicine, but friendship works wonders for the heart!